Search for 13 year old girl at Mt Erica, August 2011

BSAR was called to assist the Police Search and Rescue Squad with the search for a missing 13 year old girl in the Mushroom Rocks area near Mt Erica in the Baw Baw National Park. The girl was part of a Scout group camping in the area. The inclement weather, snow cover and the age of the missing person necessitated a degree of urgency in the search call out.

Sat 6/8/11 The group of BSAR searchers departed Melbourne departed in the evening and commenced searching in the dark upon arrival in the early hours of Sunday.

Sun 7/8/11 A bushwalking club group who were on Mt Erica and had received the call out messages, noticed and reported small footprints in the snow.

Bush Search and Rescue teams with Police Search and Rescue located the missing girl on Sunday afternoon north west of Mt Erica, about 3 kilometers from Mushroom Rocks, after tracking her footprints though the snow for some time.  She was immediately evacuated by the Police Air Wing helicopter and is now recovering.

BSAR 2011 Mt Erica search
Search group briefing as search base in Rawson
BSAR 2011 Mt Erica search
Search base at Rawson
BSAR Searchers at Mt Erica.

Last Updated on January 27, 2023

Peer support survey for members

We are undertaking a review of our Peer Support Program.  Following the review, a new training program for our BSAR Peer Supporters will be conducted.

An email has been sent to all members requesting their input and feedback on Peer Support.

Members are requested to complete this survey by Wednesday 10 August 2011.

Please also note that the email has been sent using a new email list facility that we are trialling for communication to members.

– Peter Campbell


Last Updated on February 17, 2021