Otways search call out, June 2011


Mon 20/6/11 . A search call out for Bush Search and Rescue was initiated for a man missing in the Otways.

Tues 21/6/11: Missing man was located early in the morning.  The bus transporting BSAR searchers turned around shortly after departure.

Last Updated on January 27, 2023

Search for missing deer hunter at Tomahawk Creek, June 2011

BSAR were called out to search for a missing deer hunter in the bush at Tomahawk Hut near Mount Stirling and departed Melbourne early on Monday 6 June 2011.

Mon 6/6. BSAR searchers experienced difficult terrain, vegetation and weather.

Tue 7/6. More BSAR searchers joined the search after a second call out.  Snow storms coated much of the vegetation and made the steep terrain difficult to negotiate.  After extensive feature searching of nearby terrain and intensive searching near the point last seen near Tomahawk Creek, the missing person had not been found.

Wed 8/6. Searching resumed early on Wednesday after 15cm of snow fell overnight.  Sago snow and hail fell during the day with continued bad weather contributing to difficult search conditions, with the missing person still not located.

Thu 9/6. Additional members departed Melbourne after a third BSAR call out and joined the search effort.  Further feature searching was  conducted throughout the day.  The missing person was still not located.

Fri 10/6. BSAR members line searched during the day in improved weather conditions.  Unfortunately, the missing person was still not located.  All BSAR members departed the search base mid afternoon and returned to Melbourne.  Police and other services are continuing with the search.

Last Updated on January 27, 2023