BSAR’s 2015 alpine training consisted of:
A Dryland Training Day on Sunday 19 July 2015 at Police SAR in Williamstown.  Topics covered included steep snow and ice terrain awareness, roping up, stretcher setup and hauling and avalanche transceiver theory and practice
A Steep Snow and Ice training weekend at JB Plain on 24 – 26 July 2015.  Exercises over the two days included self-arresting, setting up snow belays and a z-pulley haul using an MPD (which replaces a Jumar, pulley and abseil device used in the previous setup),  rescues using avalanche transceivers and probing followed by digging out a simulated buried patient. A simulated search was also conducted near JB Plain.  The simulated lost person was found and evacuated using a sked to haul them back to the camping site.
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Last Updated on January 30, 2023