Forty-six BSAR members and potential members took part in BSAR’s annual training weekend held last May at Korweinguboora on the edge of the Wombat Forest. 12 clubs were represented plus a good number of BWV individual members.
The footy pavilion in the recreation reserve at Korweinguboora on the Ballan Daylesford road was an excellent base for the weekend, especially given the cool and showery conditions; “typical search weather”. Members had arrived at Green St Northcote early Saturday morning as they would for a search callout, and on arrival at the “command post” at Korweinguboora immediately prepared for a search in the nearby Wombat State Forest. Given the numbers, three search exercises were conducted simultaneously, each incorporating feature search, line search, patient management and a stretcher carry evacuation.
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Last Updated on February 17, 2021