14 October. BSAR members responded to a call out to search for a missing camper in Gippsland last Friday. The camper was found before departure.
Search for missing person Halls Gap
22 May 2022. BSAR members were called out to assist in a search for a 50-year old man missing after a day walk in Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park near Halls Gap. Searchers were stood down a little after midnight when the missing man was found.
Search for missing person Anglers Rest
5 May 2022. BSAR members were called out to assist in a search for a 58-year old man missing at Anglers Rest, near Omeo. The man was located prior to BSAR searchers’ arrival.
Search for missing person near Warburton
Thu 14 May. BSAR members were called-out to search for a missing man near Warburton.
Fri 15 May. BSAR members travelled to Warburton and commenced searching. Missing man found alive.

CALL-OUT: Search for missing person near Noojee
Sun 1 Jul 2018. BSAR search call out issued for missing person near Noojee. The call-out was cancelled when missing person found.
Search for missing horse rider at Howqua near Mansfield
Tue 08/05/18. BSAR search call out for missing horse rider and horse near Mansfield.
Wed 09/05/18. BSAR team departed Melbourne to join the search at Howqua. The missing rider and her horse were located safe and well.