2023 Main Training

4-6 August. This year’s main training weekend was planned as a snow based programme on the Buffalo Plateau but was relocated to JB Plain to ensure snow cover. Despite the absence of continuous snow even at JB, the programme was comfortably rejigged for the conditions and participants enjoyed a stimulating programme. Training had a strong emphasis on hypothermia, but also included navigation exercises, search technique instruction and practice, and communications.  Sunday was devoted to a mock search culminating in patient care and extraction.

Steep Snow and Ice Training Weekend

22-23 July. This year’s Steep Snow and Ice training weekend was held at JB Plain. Training included; safe snow travel, self-arrest, avalanche rescue, including use of transceivers and probes, patient management and stretcher hauling. The training culminated in a search scenario utilizing the skills practised during the weekend. It was a successful and enjoyable weekend.