Vale Snow Girl

The Donna Buang search of 1953 was one of the pivotal searches in the history of Bush Search and Rescue Victoria. Bill Bewsher performed the role of Field Organiser at a time when the Victoria Police did not yet have a search and rescue squad.  BSAR personnel conducted the structured searching and recovered the two missing people, stretchering them both to the road. (Source The Scroggin Eaters).

One of the survivors, Jennifer Laycock, lost her legs to frostbite and the media labelled her the “Snow Girl” as they followed her recovery.


By 2003, in recognition that the rescue had already given her 50 years of life, Jennifer Laycock now Elford, organised a thankgiving service at Warburton.   The individuals and agencies involved in the rescue were invited to attend.

This week, The Age ran an obituary for Jennifer Elford who died in January this year aged 79.

Last Updated on February 4, 2025