Fri 1 Nov. BSAR was called out to search for a lost bushwalker near Mt Howitt. His last contact with family was from Vallejo Gantner Hut.
Sat 2 Nov. BSAR teams undertook searching in the Howqua, Howitt, Stirling areas camping out overnight.
Sun 3 Nov. Additional BSAR members joined the search.
Mon 4 Nov. BSAR groups continued searching in the Mt Howitt area.
Tue 5 Nov. Searching continued. One BSAR group was transported by the Police Airwing helicopter back to search base at Merrijig after completing a multi day search task in the Wonnangatta region.
Wed 6 Nov. A small remaining group of BSAR members searched for the day then returned to Melbourne.
External links
- Hiker missing in Victoria’s high country, may have succumbed to hypothermia – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
- Weather hampers search for hiker missing near Mt Buller, The Age
Last Updated on January 31, 2023