BSAR members success in the 2014 Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games

Three BSAR members particpated in the Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games held in Melbourne over 19-24 April 2014.

John McGauran competed in the stair climb and wond a gold medal in the 60-64 age group class.  John’s time would have won the bronze medal in the in the 40-44 age group.  Congratulations John!

Peter Croxford won a silver medal in the boxing event and said:

“It was fantastic to meet and mix with fellow competitors from various services across Australia and New Zealand. The boxing event was exceptionally well organised and executed with great spirit and encouragement from the organisational team involved.” 

Cameron Plant organised and arranged for BSAR’s participation in the games and placed in the stair climb.

Frank Nyhuis, ex Police Search and Rescue, also won a gold medal in the 50-54yr Criterium cycling event.


Last Updated on February 17, 2021